Syncing Clients and Staff Between In-Home and Facility

Easily connect clients or staff to both your In-Home and Facility accounts to streamline operations and improve flexibility. Whether a client uses both services (e.g., dog walking and boarding) or a staff member works across multiple roles, syncing ensures they can access the right tools and information seamlessly.

Watch our video below on how to sync clients and staff!

Syncing Clients

To sync a client, open their profile in the software they are currently using. Under their name, click Add to Facility or Add to In-Home.

A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click Add Client to Facility or Add Client to In-Home to complete the sync.

Once synced, you’ll see two badges below the client’s name, one for In-Home and one for Facility. These badges confirm the client is synced and allow you to access their profile in either software by clicking the respective badge.

Syncing Staff

To sync a staff member, open their profile by selecting their name from the main Staff List. In their profile, click Add to Facility or Add to In-Home.

A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click Sync Staff to Facility or Sync Staff to In-Home to complete the process.

After syncing, two badges will appear below the staff member’s name, confirming the sync. Clicking on a badge will take you to their profile in the corresponding software.


Q: Can I remove access to one of the synced platforms?

Yes, you can mark the client or staff member as inactive in the software you want to restrict. In the client or staff profile, click the blue Quick Actions button and then "Make Inactive".

Q: What happens when I sync clients?

Clients will continue to have a seamless experience. Syncing gives them access to both platforms through their Client Portal or App. Learn more about clients using both platforms in this article: Clients With In-Home & Facility Accounts

Q: Will clients or staff need different login credentials?

No, they will use the same login credentials for both platforms.

Q: What happens when I sync staff?

When staff are synced to another platform, they gain immediate access and can log in using their existing credentials. The two platforms remain separate, but staff with Scheduler or Admin roles can toggle between them at the top of the page in Time To Pet.

Q: When I sync staff to Facility, will they have a Facility Mobile App?

No, staff will not have access to a Facility Mobile App. However, they can use their phone's web browser to log into the Staff Dashboard, where they can view their shift schedule, access Front Desk Mode, and more: Using Facility As Staff

Q: What role will my staff be when synced from one software to the other?

When staff are synced between platforms, they are automatically assigned a "base" role. In the In-Home software, the default role is Staff/User, while in the Facility software, it is Tech/Runner. These roles can easily be updated in the staff member’s profile if needed: How To Change A Staff Member's Role

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