Facility: Spaces

Spaces allow you to specify pre-defined locations that pets and staff can be assigned to in Facility. Pets assigned to Spaces help determine Space capacity, service availability, and Forecasting for Shifts. Additionally, Spaces serve as a physical location in your Facility that you can assign to staff for Shifts.
Note: When creating Spaces, we recommend creating the real physical locations pets may be assigned to in your Spaces. For example, instead of "Boarding Space," you can create Spaces for each boarding Space, such as "Run A1", "Run A2", Run A3" and so forth.

Configuring Your Spaces

Accessing Spaces Page

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Using the sidebar navigation, click on Services & Spaces, then Spaces

Creating A New Space

  1. Click the button labeled “+ New Space.”
  2. A new form will be displayed.
  3. Fill out the service's details.
  4. Click the button labeled “Save Changes.”
  5. You will be taken back to the list of services. Your new Space will be added to the end of the list. You can change the order that services appear in.

Each Space has the following items that can be configured:

setup tab for a space with various settings listed

Space Name: The name of the Space that pets and staff can be assigned to.
Capacity Warning: An internal warning to your team if there are too many pets scheduled at any one moment in this Space.
Pets Per Staff: To ensure the safety of each Space, you can set the maximum number of pets allowed per 1 Staff. We will warn your team when this is exceeded but will not prevent scheduling.
Internal Note: This is an internal note for this Space.

If enabling the Capacity Warning, you can set a number to this Space to warn if assigned pets exceed the capacity limitation. Please note this will not prevent scheduling.

Updating Existing Spaces

Updating an existing Space is even easier than creating a new one. Navigating to the Spaces List, find the relevant Space in the list. Click the “Edit” button for that item. The same form used for creating a Space will be used, but your existing Spaces' details will automatically be populated for you. Make sure to click the “Save Changes” button to persist your changes.

Listed space with red arrowing pointing to a blue

Disabling An Existing Space

It's possible to disable a Space to remove that from your Spaces List and move it to your Disabled Spaces list in each individual tab.

To disable a Space, navigate to your Spaces tab, and locate the Space you would like to disable. On this same screen, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the "Edit" button. There, the option to "Disable" the service will appear. Similarly, if you need to re-enable a Space, you can scroll down to the Disabled Services section and select the drop-down menu again, this time selecting "Enable." 

When you disable a Space, it makes the Space un-assignable for pets and staff. Pets and staff with this Space already on the Scheduler will not be affected.

List of spaces with a red arrow pointing to

Re-Ordering Spaces

The display order of services can easily be modified by dragging and dropping the services to their desired location. Time To Pet also supports the ability to "Group" similar Spaces by clicking the "+ Add Group" button.

page with a list of spaces and buttons shown in upper left corner and to the right of each listed space

Limiting Dates And Times For Spaces

You can choose to limit select days/dates and times for Spaces. By default, a Space will not have a restriction on the times that it can occupy. It is, however, possible to specify specific times when this space is available on the Calendar.

To limit days, dates, or times to a Space, click "Edit" on the Space in the Space List:

listed service with red arrow pointing toward a blue

In the edit window, navigate to the "Scheduling Tab." To enable this limitation in the "Space Has" in the drop-down options, select "Limit On Dates + Time":

options shown for limiting time for a space with read arrow pointing to

When selecting to Limit Dates and Times, you can then click on any open column to open the pop-up window:

view of calendar for limiting times with a date column outlined in red

In the pop-up window, you can select preferred dates, days, and times to limit this Space too.

window for adding a time block with times and days of week selected

Time: Select your preferred time to limit this Space too, such as 9:00 am-4:00 pm, or click the "All Day?" box to limit this Space to the entire service day.
Days Of Week: The selected days of the week, this limitation persists too, such as "All," "Weekdays", "Weekends," or "None".

Click "Add Time Available" to save your edits. When out of the pop-up window, click the Save Changes button at the bottom right to persist your edits:

Limiting Services To Spaces

For Spaces, you can choose to limit select Services to a Space. By default, a Space will not have a restriction to specific services. It is, however, possible to limit a Space to only specific services.

To limit Services to a Space, click "Edit" on the Space in the Space List:

listed service with red arrow pointing toward a blue

In the edit window, navigate to the "Services" tab. To enable this limitation, in the "Space Is" in the drop-down options, select "Limited To Specific Services":

options for limiting to services with red arrow pointing toward

To Limit, in the "Available In Space?" column, click "No" to change the toggle to "Yes" to limit the select Space to a Service:

List of services with red arrow pointed to a blue toggle showing

To finalize, click the "Save Changes" button in the lower left corner:

Assigning Pets And Staff To A Space

Assigning pets to a Space can be done by checking in pets in front desk mode, scheduling services for clients, and approving service requests. Assigning pets to a space will help determine capacity warnings for that Space and Forecasting for Shifts.

Pets assigned to a Space will be shown in the Scheduler's Calendar:

view of scheduler calendar with events scheduled appearing in blue

Staff assigned to a Space will be shown on the Shift's calendar:

Staff shift calendar with scheduled shifts in varying colors

Note: Staff can only be assigned to a Space when building a Shift schedule. You can also view staff shifts on the Calendar in the Scheduler. Learn more about scheduling staff in Shifts here: Scheduling Staff In Facility

Spaces For Staff Shifts Only

Spaces can also be created to represent physical locations in a Facility that you may only want assign staff to, such as "Front Desk" and "Lodging." These Spaces can be created to be used for Shift scheduling and not necessarily to assign pets to:

list of shift spaces

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