Understanding Invoicing In Facility
Time To Pet Facility makes invoicing your clients extremely easy. In Facility, events are not automatically invoiced, giving you the flexibility to generate an invoice for clients whenever you're ready.
You may be wondering why events are not automatically invoiced in Facility—by not creating an invoice each time when events are scheduled or approved, you'll be prevented from having to charge a client for multiple invoices over a short period of time. For example, say pet parent Alex comes in with Fido at different days and times throughout the week, Monday-Friday. Instead of having a separate invoice for each time and day an event is scheduled for Fido, the facility can choose which events they would like to add to an invoice and decide to invoice Alex at the end of the week.
Watch our video reviewing invoicing in Facility below!
Viewing Invoices In Facility
A great place to view client invoices in Facility is the Client Hub. Here, you can create, edit, and view Invoices for a client:
Accessing The Client Hub
- In the Scheduler > Calendar tab, click the "Schedule Client" button:
- Select a client from the dropdown menu and click "Continue" to open the Client Hub:
Navigating The Un-Invoiced Events, Invoiced Events, and Invoices Tabs
First up in the Client Hub is the Un-invoiced Events tab for events that have yet to be invoiced:
When: The start date and time for the event.
Service: The scheduled service for the event.
Space: The Space assigned to the event.
Status: The status of the event (Scheduled, Checked In, Checked Out, or Cancelled)
Last column: Option to "View" (viewing the events on the Calendar) and "Edit" (edit this event)
Next up, in the Invoiced Events tab, you can see all events that have been moved to a new or existing invoice:
When: The start date and time for the event.
Service: The scheduled service for the event.
Space: The Space assigned to the event.
Status: The status of the event (Scheduled, Checked In, Checked Out, or Cancelled)
Invoice: The invoice for this event.
Last column: Option to "View" (viewing the events on the Calendar) and "Edit" (edit this event)
Lastly, in the Invoices tab, you can view generated invoices for the client:
Invoice #: The invoice's number.
Due Date: The day this invoice is due.
Date: Date of this invoice.
Total: The total of this invoice.
Balance: The balance due (the balance may differ from the total, i.e., a partial payment was made).
Invoice Status: Status of this invoice (Draft, Paid, Partially Paid, Due, or Past Due).
Creating An Invoice When Scheduling Services
To create an invoice directly after scheduling a client, stay in the pop-up window and click on the Invoiced tab. From here, click the "Move To An Invoice" button:
To move the scheduled events to an invoice, select a New or Open invoice from the dropdown menu to move the event(s). When ready, click "Move Event" to do so:
Note: Invoices cannot be created when checking in pets in Front Desk Mode.
Creating An Invoice For Multiple Events
To create an invoice for multiple events, such as events scheduled at various dates and times, navigate to the Un-Invoiced Events tab, click the "Invoice Events" button:
In the pop-up window, you can select individual events by checking the box to the left of the event or, to select all Events, click "All/None" (this can also deselect all events). Once events you would like to select are checked, click the "Invoice" button:
In the next window, from the dropdown menu, select a New or Open Invoice to move the selected events. When ready to invoice the events, click the "Add To Invoice" button:
Invoices Can Be Manually Edited
You can manually adjust invoices with our built-in invoice editor. You can manually adjust all aspects of each line item and add custom line items, as well.
To add a Custom Line Item, open any invoice and click the "Add Custom Item" button:
Moving Events Between Invoices Or To A New Invoice
You can quickly move events from one invoice to another in the Client Hub in the Invoiced Events tab. Click the "Edit" button on the far right of the event you wish to move to another invoice:
In the pop-up, go to the "Invoiced" tab, click the "Move To Another Invoice" button:
In the next pop-up window, you can choose to move the selected event to a New or Existing Invoice from the dropdown menu. Click the "Move Event" button to move the event into the selected invoice:
Emailing Invoices
Invoices are not automatically emailed to clients; however, we have several options to make it easy for your invoices to be emailed, scheduled to be emailed, and shown to your clients, depending on your company's preferences.
To email an individual invoice to a client, you can open the invoice you want to send, scroll to the bottom of the invoice window, and click the "Email" button:
Note: To schedule emails containing invoices, you can use our Scheduled Messages feature.