Facility: Scheduled Messages

Scheduled Messages allow you to "Schedule" all types of messages in Facility to be sent at a later day or time. This includes conversation feed messages, emailed invoices, email campaigns to clients, and email campaigns to staff members. That means that, even if you are working at 11 pm, you can schedule that invoice to be sent to your client tomorrow morning. 

Conversation Feed Messages

There are many instances when you may want to delay sending a message to a pet parent client. For example - if Fido is having surgery next week and you want to schedule a check-in message to be sent then or if you just got to your computer to reply to a question at midnight but don't want to disturb your client until the morning. Scheduling messages sent via the Conversation Feed is easy with Scheduled Messages. To schedule a normal conversation feed message to be sent later, look for the dropdown to the right of the "Send Message" button.

Scheduled Messages - Conversation Feed Options

And choose Schedule For Later.

Scheduled Messages - Schedule For Later

To adjust the time your message will be sent, click the Scheduled Time option and adjust the day or time.

Scheduled Messages - Adjust Day And Time

Messages can be sent in 15-minute increments and can be scheduled as far in the future as you need.

When you have the day and time confirmed, click the Set Scheduled Time button to set your time.

Scheduled Messages - Schedule Times

You will not notice the "Send Now" button is replaced with a button to send your message at the selected day and time.

Scheduled Messages - Send Now

Be sure to click this button to finalize the "scheduling" of your message.

By default, Scheduled Messages will be shown in your Conversation Feed. They have a blue background and a blue border to differentiate them. You can also see the day and time the message is scheduled for. To hide these Scheduled Messages from this view, look for the Hide Message option.

You can customize some aspects of a Scheduled Message in the "Scheduling Actions" dropdown. For example - if you need to send the message now, if you want to re-schedule the day/time of the scheduled message, or if you want to cancel & delete the scheduled message.

Scheduled Messages - Send Now Option

The content of scheduled messages cannot be edited after they have been scheduled. If you need to adjust the content of your message, you may want to copy the original text before canceling and deleting your scheduled message and creating a new one.

You can also view and adjust your scheduled messages in the "Scheduled" tab of the Message Center.

Scheduled Messages - Schedule Messages Tab

Emailed Invoices

Invoices can also be scheduled in Facility. To schedule an emailed invoice, navigate to the Edit Invoice screen and click the "Email" button.

Scheduled Messages - Schedule Email Invoices

You will notice a dropdown option to the right of Send Now.

Scheduled Messages - Dropdown Option

Choosing the "Schedule For Later" option allows you to schedule this invoice to be sent in the future.

Scheduled Messages - Schedule For Later Option

Just choose the day and time and click the "Set Scheduled Time" option to set the time of the message.

Scheduled Messages - Set Scheduled Time

You can then schedule the message for the day and time you selected.

Scheduled Messages - Schedule Message At Specific Day and Time

Time To Pet will show you that you have a scheduled invoice email when clicking the "Email" button again.

Scheduled Messages - Scheduled Invoice Email

You can cancel upcoming scheduled confirmation emails in the "Scheduled" tab of the Message Center.

Scheduled Messages - Cancel Upcoming Confirmation Emails

Email Campaigns

When creating a new email campaign to be sent to your pet parent clients or staff members, you can schedule that campaign to be sent in the future.

After finalizing your Email Campaign, you will notice a dropdown option to the right of Send Now.

Scheduled Messages - Send Now Email Campaigns

Choosing the "Schedule For Later" option allows you to schedule this email campaign to be sent in the future.

Scheduled Messages - Schedule For Later Email Campaigns

Just choose the day and time and click the "Set Scheduled Time" option to set the time of the message.

Scheduled Messages - Set Schedule Time Email Campaigns

You can then schedule the email campaign on the day and time you selected.

Scheduled Messages - Schedule Email Campaigns

You can cancel upcoming scheduled email campaigns in the "Scheduled" tab of the Message Center.

Scheduled Messages - Scheduled Tab to View Email Campaigns

Sending Invoices in Bulk

By default, when sending invoices using the  Bulk Invoicing tool, they will be sent immediately. However, you can choose to schedule them to be sent at a later time by clicking the arrow to the right of the send button and clicking "Schedule For Later":

bulk invoicing email confirmation window with red box around arrow button and schedule for later button

Viewing/Editing All Scheduled Messages

All Scheduled Messages (including conversation feed messages, emailed invoices, and email campaign messages) can be viewed and edited in the "Scheduled" tab of the Message Center.

These messages can be filtered by date range.

Scheduled Messages - Filter By Date Range

Filtered by Message Type.

Scheduled Messages - Filter By Message Type

And by Status.

Scheduled Messages - Filter By Status

Messages that are still scheduled have an "Action" button that includes options to edit (or cancel) the date/time of the scheduled message, to send the message now, or to view the complete history of the Scheduled Message.

Scheduled Messages - Action Button

When editing a message, you can view the relevant details of the message, change the scheduled date or time, or cancel the message.

Scheduled Messages - View Scheduled Message Details

The history option will show you a complete history of the scheduled message.

Scheduled Messages - View History

Automated Scheduled Messages

When Business Hours are enabled, you can turn on "Automate Scheduled Messages". When this setting found in Company Settings > Messaging (after enabling Business Hours) is turned on, any messages your company sends outside of normal business hours will be automatically scheduled to be sent the next time business hours are open.

Note: Please review our help article on Business Hours for more information on Automated Scheduled Messages.

Scheduled Messages - Automate Schedule Messages Setting

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