Facility: Viewing Used and Remaining Package Amounts

You can easily check how much of a package a client has used or the remaining balance by accessing their Client Hub. Here’s how:

Step 1: Access the Client Hub

Open the Client Hub for the desired client. If you need help, refer to our Client Hub guide.

Step 2: Navigate to the Packages Tab

  1. Once in the Client Hub, go to the Packages tab.
  2. Look for the "% Used" column, which shows the percentage of the Package that has been utilized.

Step 3: View Detailed Package Usage

To see detailed usage and remaining amounts, click the magnifying glass icon in the invoice column for the specific Package.

This opens a window listing all events tied to the Package.

For another view, you can click the Package name in the upper left corner.

A pop-up will display the number of events redeemed and the remaining balance (e.g., 3 out of 28 used). For a complete breakdown, click + Show Full Details.

This will expand the details of each redemption.

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