Client and Pet Fields in Facility

Keeping detailed and up-to-date records for customers is an important aspect for every facility. Time To Pet provides you with a standard set of fields to collect and store both client and pet information.

You can also fully customize all of the information collected about your Clients and their Pets by creating and modifying these fields.

Accessing Client And Pet Fields 

  1. Log in to your Dashboard.
  2. Using the sidebar navigation on the left, select Settings.
  3. In the sidebar, underneath Company Settings, Click on the link labeled “Client Fields” or "Pet Fields" in the sidebar.

Understanding The Client And Pet Field Screens

You can toggle back and forth between the Client and Pet Field forms by clicking on the corresponding tabs:


A group is simply a visual ‘grouping’ of custom fields. Each form can have any number of groups. Use them to group a set of related fields. You can add a new group, edit the group title, add a new field to the group, delete the group, and rearrange the order of the groups. Each field has its own row in each group.

Access Group Settings

Click "Configure Groups"

Client fields screen with arron pointed to configure gorups button

Create A New Group

To create a new group, click the “Add Group” button. A new group with no fields and a default title of “New Group” will be created at the end of the form.

client fields screen with arrow pointed to add group button

Delete Existing Group

To delete an existing group, click “Edit” to the right of the group name. Then, click Delete Group. 

Deleting a group does not remove the fields that are inside the group. If you remove a group that has fields inside of it, you'll be prompted to choose which group you want to move those fields to:

screenshot of delete group window

Note: There must be at least one group at all times. If you attempt to delete the last group, you will be shown a warning message, and the group will remain.

Rename Group Title

Group titles are visible to Clients, Admin, and Staff. To change the group’s title, click on "Edit" next to the group’s title. A text box will appear in place of the title. Use this to edit the title of the group. To save your changes, click the blue "Save Changes" button. To go back without saving your changes, click the "Cancel" button.

Re-Order Group

To change the order of a group, click and drag on the arrow button to the left of the Group you want to move and drop it in the order you would prefer. 

Add Field To Group

To add a new field to a group, scroll to the group’s header row (where the group’s title is) from the Client Fields or Pet Fields tab. Click on “New Field" or "Add First Field":

Additional options will appear, and you can specify the details of the new custom field:

Customizing Fields

A form field is used to collect specific information about a customer. For example, you might have one field for the customer’s name, one for their phone number, and one for their email address. 

You can customize most of the default fields that come pre-installed with Time To Pet and any custom fields you create yourself. Each field has many options you can customize.

Note: Some of the default fields are locked and cannot be modified. These will be noted with a lock icon.

Field Name

This is what the user sees next to the field in the form. For example, “Entry Instructions.” Renaming the field is similar to changing a Group’s Name. Click "Edit" next to the field name and type in the new name. Click "Save Changes" when you are done.

Field Type

There are three field types: Text Box, Text Area, and Yes/No. Certain aspects of each type can be configured. 

Text Box - For collecting shorter pieces of text.

Field Text Box

Text Area - For collecting larger pieces of text.

Yes/No - For collecting simple yes/no answers.

Field Properties and Permissions

Custom fields can be configured so that they are hidden from the client or are visible but not editable by the client. To show a field but not let it be edited, uncheck  “Client Editable.” To hide a field from clients, uncheck “Client Visible.”

Fields can also be set as required. You can even prevent clients from submitting service requests if they are missing the required fields in their profile. See Portal Settings > Force Required Fields for more information. 

Fields can also be hidden from members with the role of Staff or Trainee (See: Staff Member Access). To hide a field from a staff member, uncheck “Staff Visible.”

Customer Segments

When "Customer Segment" is checked, this field will be made available in Reporting > Revenue for segmenting your reports. Only text boxes are available to be marked as a Customer Segment.

Display Configuration

You can edit the Preview Text and Size of Text Box, and Text Area fields. Preview Text is the hint that is shown when no value is entered. Yes/No fields can have custom values that are used instead of "yes" and "no," so your clients can choose from two custom answers. To modify these, click "Edit" on any field and then configure the field.

Configuration Options for “Text Box” and “Text Area”:

Configuration Options for “Yes/No”:

Zapier Name

Note: This field is only visible to companies that are connected to a Zapier account.

If your account is linked to Zapier, you will find a "Zapier Name" field option when editing a custom client field. By adding a Zapier Name, this field will be included when transmitting data through Zapier using the label entered here. In case a Zapier Name is not provided, this particular field will not be sent to Zapier.

edit client field zapier name option

Field Software Visibility

When using both In-Home and Facility, you can customize what Client and Pet fields are visible in the select software.

Delete Field

To delete a custom field, simply click "Edit" on that field and then the “Delete Field” button.

Note: Be very careful about deleting a custom field. It cannot be undone, and if you have already collected data for this field, it will be lost.

Re-Order Fields

Custom fields can be re-ordered similarly to re-ordering groups. Click on the arrow to the left of the field’s row to drag and drop the field up or down; You can even drag and drop them between groups!

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