Facility: Cancelling Events

When a client no longer needs scheduled services, it is typically recommended that you cancel the event rather than delete it. This ensures the event history can be easily accessed, and any financial records tied to the event will not be affected.

To change an event's status to "Canceled", follow these steps. From the Scheduler, click on the event you want to cancel. Then, click "Edit Event" in the pop-up that appears:

screenshot of event window with blue Edit Event button outlined in red and indicated by a red arrow

 To cancel the event, in the pop-up, click the change the "Cancel Event" button: 

Event window with red Cancel Event button outlined in red and indicated by a red arrow

You will then be prompted to choose a cancellation fee to charge the client for this event. By default, the Automatic Cancellation Fee you have configured in your Invoice Settings will be applied (Read more about Automatic Cancellation Fees here). You can override that default by making a different selection in the "Action" menu. 

screenshot of cancellation fee window

When you click "Confirm," the event status will be changed to "Canceled," and the cancellation fee you selected will be applied to the invoice.

Uncancel A Cancelled Event

If you cancel an event and need to uncancel it, navigate to the event on the calendar, click the event, then click the "Edit Event" button.

In the pop-up window, click the "Uncancel" button:

screenshot of cancelled event window with green Uncancel event button outlined in red and indicated with a red arrow

To confirm you wish to Uncancel the event, click "Yes, Uncancel Event":

screenshot of uncancel this event confirmation window

How Cancelled Events Appear In Facility

In Facility, you can still see canceled events almost everywhere they appeared before being canceled. However, they will appear differently to indicate at a glance that they are canceled events.
For example, in the client's Client Hub, the event will be "greyed out" in the Status column, with the event's status of Cancelled:

screenshot of invoiced events tab in client hub with gray cancelled status outlined in red

On the invoice, a note will be added to the description stating that it's been cancelled:

screenshot of invoice with cancelled service outlined in red and indicated by a red arrow

On the Scheduler, the event will have a grey line to the left to signal the event has been Cancelled:

screenshot of scheduler with gray line next to cancelled service

Clicking on the event will also show the status:

screenshot of event screen in scheduler with cancelled status outlined in red in the upper left hand corner

You can filter by cancelled events on the Scheduler:

screenshot of scheduler filters with red arrow indicating cancelled option

Deleting An Event

When clicking to cancel an event/s, you can delete them instead.

Note: Deleting an event permanently removes it from the Client’s Invoice and Schedule. It will be as if the event was never scheduled. Deleting an event cannot be undone.

To delete events, click Cancel when editing an event:

screenshot of event window in scheduler with red arrow indicating cancel button outlined in red

In the pop-up click the Delete Instead option:

screenshot of Cancel This Event notification window with arrow pointing to

You will be prompted to confirm you wish to delete instead of cancelling. Click "Yes, Delete This Event" to confirm the action:

screenshot of delete this event confirmation window

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