Facility: Front Desk Mode

Front desk mode is a simplified dashboard view that focuses on the day-to-day operations of running your facility, such as scheduling clients, checking pets in and out, sending report cards, and much more!

In Front Desk Mode, you can see your Expected pets that have scheduled events for that day; Checked-in pets, pets that are checked in for scheduled events within the same day, or pets that are checked in within a date range, such as a boarding service; Checked out, shows pets checked out for the day.

To the right, you have the occupancy for your Spaces. You can also see the Space capacity that is available and unavailable, as well as the pets assigned to those Spaces.

screenshot of Front Desk Mode

Accessing Front Desk Mode

  1. Login to your dashboard.
  2. Using the sidebar navigation, click on Front Desk Mode.
  3. In the pop-up, click "Launch Front Desk Mode" to launch the dashboard:

screen shot of Launch Front Desk Mode pop up window

Checking Pets In and Out

Checking pets in and out for scheduled events or drop-ins can be done in a few simple steps. On the Event Status Menu, Expected, you can see scheduled services to start on the selected date.

To check in a pet for a scheduled service, click the "In" button:

screenshot of

Once the "In" button is clicked, in the pop-up window, you can see the client name, Main Service for the appointment, pet(s) to check in, Space to assign pet(s), as well as an optional Note to add to this scheduled service:

screenshot of event confirmation window during check in process

When checking in a pet, you can select Add-On services by clicking the Add-On tab, then the "+ New Add-On" button and then choosing the desired Add-On service:

screenshot of Add-On tab with arrow pointing to + New Add On button

When checking in, you can also view and add any additional information to the Fillable Fields on the Run Card:

screenshot of fillable fields in run card tab

When ready to check in the pet for this service, click the "Check In Pet" button at any time:

screenshot of check in pet button

Note: Optionally, if "Show Run Card" is checked, this will prompt a view/print option for the Run Card after checking in pet(s).

Checking Pets Out

On the Event Status Menu, Checked In, you can see scheduled services to start on the selected date.

To check out a pet for a scheduled service, click the "Out" button:

screenshot of Checked In pets list with red arrow and red box indicating

When clicking the Out button, in the pop-up window, click "Next" to move through the checkout process prompts, view the Run Card, and add any applicable Add-Ons before finalizing the check-out process:

screen shot of checkout window with red arrow and red box indicating the Next button

Clicking "Next" on the last tab in "Add-Ons" will check out the pet/s.

Need to undo a Check-In? To undo, in Checked-In, click the Out button, then in the pop-up, click the "Undo Check-In":

screenshot of event screen with red arrow pointing to

Sending Group Report Cards

In Report Cards, you can send Report Cards for one or multiple pets at a time. To create a Report Card, you can start by selecting optional filters for scheduled events.
You can filter by Date, Space, or Any Service. You can also select by the status of the Scheduled Events, such as Scheduled, Checked In, and Checked Out:

screenshot of

To write your message for the Report Card, click the "Write Message" button:

screenshot of blue Write Message button

In the text box, you can draft the body of your message, select a Report Card and attach any pictures or videos:

screenshot of report card window with text box and report card options shown

When ready to send the Report Card, click the "Send Report" button.

Note: Learn more about sending Report Cards in our help article: Sending Report Cards In Facility

Locking Front Desk Mode

Locking the Front Desk Mode will log out the staff account currently logged in:

screenshot of lock front desk mode button

The lock screen will sit as a place for staff to login/clock in. They can select their name from the drop-down menu options and enter their password. When doing so, they can view any Shifts for the day, choose to Clock-In or Out, or click "Open Console," which will open Front Desk Mode or Dashboard View based on their Role, or click "Cancel" to take the screen back to the login page.

screenshot of lock screen with login credentials entered into the login form

screenshot of shifts shown upon login and option to open the console

Accessing The Dashboard

To navigate back to the Main Dashboard and close the Front Desk Mode, click "Access Dashboard" at the bottom of the left navigation menu:

screenshot of menu bar with red arrow and red box indicating the

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