Facility: Using The Staff Conversation Feed

Every staff member has a dedicated Conversation Feed where you can communicate directly with each staff member. The Conversation Feed will store a complete history of every message sent and received through the Conversation Feed.

By default, messages sent through the staff's Conversation Feed will be delivered by email.

Sending A Message To A Staff Member

To send a message to a staff member, first visit their profile. The first tab listed will be their Conversation Feed:

To add a new message, click on the box labeled "Add a Message...":

Begin typing your message. You can also add any number of attachments by clicking the "Attachmentbutton. You can also remove already attached files by clicking the "Remove Image" link under each attachment.

When your message is ready, click the "Send" button.

Filtering Messages

You can also filter for certain messages through the Conversation Feed. To access the filters, click the "No Filters Applied" button at the top of the feed.

After clicking this button, you'll be shown a set of filters to apply, such as by date, attachments, and more.

Note: For more information about Facility's messaging tools, please check out the following help articles:

Deleting A Message To A Staff Member

To delete a message, navigate to the client's Conversation Feed, locate the message you would like to delete, and click "Remove Message".

To view a history of deleted messages, click on the History tab on any client's profile -> then click the Conversations tab.

Please note: If an email notification is sent and a message is deleted, the delivered email notification cannot be deleted. Deleting a message just removes it from the staff's Conversation Feed only.

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