Best Practices for Run Cards

Run Cards are typically placed in a physical location within a facility, near where a pet is being cared for, so the Facility team can view the pet's information. Therefore, it may be best to include important information on pets that need to be viewed outside the software. Such as information to identify the pet and the pet's care instructions:
  • General information used to identify the pet: Name, Breed, Color, Sex, etc.
  • Feeding, medication, and behavioral information
  • Pet parent contact information
  • Veterinary information
You can also include any internal notes logged by staff, such as a Pet Field "Private Note," that is only accessible and visible internally:

Note: You can click the bottom right corner of a Field while still holding the corner and make a "pull down" motion to expand the field for editing purposes:

Accessing Run Cards

When checking in pets, if "Show Run Card" is selected, the Run Card will populate when checking in where you can print. You can also click the Run Card tab to view the Run Card:

Run Cards can be accessed by clicking Run Card button via a pet's profile in the Pets tab, in a client's profile:

Printing Run Cards

Run Cards can be printed by viewing a pet's profile or when checking in a pet. By clicking the "Run Card" and then "Print":

When clicking print, the Run Card will format to a printer-friendly view:

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