Facility: Dropbox Integration

Time To Pet supports an automated integration with Dropbox to back up your client and pet and schedule nightly data for your Dropbox account. Look for the "Apps/Time To Pet" folder in your Dropbox account when enabled and connected.

Connecting To Dropbox In Facility

Screenshot of the dropbox settings page in Time To Pet

To connect your Facility account to your Dropbox account, go to Settings > Integrations > Backup and click the "Connect To Dropbox" button. Time To Pet will load a new page where you can log in to Dropbox and connect your account.

dropbox login page with options and blank fields for logging in

After signing in and integrating your account, be sure the "Backups Enabled" option is set to "Yes."

Dropbox backup settings showing as connected and

Backups are automatically generated at around 1 AM Central Time each night.

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